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- What's New @ IEEE
Consider the savings IEEE
membership brings you -
easily adding up to more
than the cost of your annual dues!
•IEEE conferences -
save from US$300-US$1500.
• IEEE books and
standards - save 20%.
•Individual article downloads
• IEEE books and
standards - save 20%.
•Individual article downloads
on IEEE Xplore are just US$10
for members, a 25%-60% savings.
•Subscribe to the IEEE Member
Digital Library and download 25
articles per month for just US$35.
• Online degree programs,
continuing education, and
certifications - save 10%.
• Students who join IEEE
are eligible to receive free
Microsoft software.
• Members who participate
in the IEEE Member-Get-A-Member
referral program earn up to
US$90 per year to use toward
membership dues or product purchases.
for members, a 25%-60% savings.
•Subscribe to the IEEE Member
Digital Library and download 25
articles per month for just US$35.
• Online degree programs,
continuing education, and
certifications - save 10%.
• Students who join IEEE
are eligible to receive free
Microsoft software.
• Members who participate
in the IEEE Member-Get-A-Member
referral program earn up to
US$90 per year to use toward
membership dues or product purchases.

- Thanks for the Memories
- Next-gen Ultrasound
- The Million Dollar Programming Prize
- March of the SandBots
- Top 10 Tech Cars
- The Universal
- HandsetOpen ArmsStop
- That Train
- NASA Planet Hunter to Search Out Other Earths
These are few samples of The Monthly Magzine and the topics covered by it.
This is for Every Membr of IEEE.

The personalized web portal for IEEE membership, myIEEE, has been redesigned showcasing a sleek new interface and user-friendly design. This enhancement is the first in a series of changes initiated to extend and evolve myIEEE's features and functionality.
See personal membership information dynamically listed in:
- My Memberships – Lists your Society membership(s), and presents upcoming society-sponsored conferences.
- Service Advisor – myIEEE makes recommendations on publications based on your technical interests.
- My Volunteer – IEEE volunteers, see a list of their own positions and a listing of executive officers respective to the entity.
- My Digital Library – Subscribers will be hyperlinked to their file cabinet.
- My Subscriptions – Hyperlinks to titles on IEEE Xplore.
- My Section – Link to your Section homepage or select the "roster" icon to see officers. Find technical chapters, affinity groups, or member elevations within the Section.
Did You Know?
Individual article downloads on IEEE Xplore cost just US$10 for members, a 25%-60% savings. IEEE Xplore has added over 75,000 articles to the world's highest quality technical literature in electrical engineering, computer science, and electronics .
Financial Advantage:
- FedEx® Shipping Benefit
IEEE members can now save up to 26% on select FedEx® shipping services. There are no costs and no minimum shipping requirements to take advantage of this great member benefit.
- Moving Benefits
When your career takes you to new places, IEEE's MyHomeBenefits program helps make moving simple! Relocating or accepting a new position can be overwhelming and stressful. How do you find the right help to move at the right price? Where do you even begin? Whether you're moving across town or across the country, make it easier with MyHomeBenefits.
- Dell Discount Program
IEEE is happy to offer members an exciting money-saving opportunity. Effective immediately, IEEE Members in the USA and Canada may take advantage of the Dell Employee Purchase Program (EPP). Now, you may purchase directly from Dell at discounted prices.
- Liberty Mutual Auto Buying Service
Today, it is more important than ever to find the right car at the right price. Using the Liberty Mutual Auto Buying Service, IEEE members have access to the best deals at a time when it is needed most.
- Take advantage of the latest benefits brought to IEEE members by Liberty Mutual:
.buyers have saved over US$32,000,000 on new cars1
.low, upfront no-haggle pricing
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How to create a Web Account??
Follow the links below & assure that you will come across respective windows.
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