Wednesday, February 16, 2011


23rd and 24th FEB

Many different events to be held during our hypercube-2011 are as follows:

ROBOTICS stands out as the main attraction of any technical-fest!!This year,we have 4 robotics events.All robo events can have a team of maximum 4 members.
1.Dirt race
In this Race the ARENA would be a track with many obstacles.
Contestants have to reach the end of the track in the minimum amount of time.
Rules and Regulations will be decided by the respective committee heads and will be
informed to you during the race.

2.Robo Wrestling
There will be a slightly raised platform having
various holes and obstacles.
2 teams will fight against each other
The aim is, One has to try to bring down or throw down the other
team from the arena.
The winners of this would be decided by knock out matches.

There will be a maze as seen in regular pacman games.Your robo has to collect maximum number of points provided by us in the maze.Not just that,you have to protect your robo from our monster robo.Your robo is discarded the moment our moster touches it.The team which collects maximum number of points avoiding the monster is the winner.

4.Blind race
Here,the ARENA will be a maze.Maximum 4 members per team.
One of the contestant will be blindfolded and his/her team-mates
will guide him/her (in the form of instructions only) to the end of the maze.
The Group which finishes this in minimum amount of time
will be the winner.

Note that 2 events Dirt race and Robo Wrestling will be held on the lawns in front of the stage.


This year,we plan to encourage the shutterbugs from our college with 2 events
1.Campus Photography
The photographs should be taken with a 'MOBILE PHONE'.Camera quality limit - 8 Megapixels.
Time alloted - 23rd morning till 24th afternoon. A soft copy of the photograph is to be submitted.
Proof of the photograph compulsory while submitting (The mobile phone itself with date and time)
Winners to be declared on 24th evening.
2.Short film making
The contestant has to shoot a movie of around 10-15 mins using any device
and submit the copy to the concerned committee.
Then they will be judged accordingly to decide the winner.More details about this will be informed to the intereted students later.

Event 3: LAN MANIA
We are organizing 'Counter Strike' and 'NFS UNDERGROUND'
For COUNTER STRIKE-team of 4 members competing with the other teams.
The winner to be decided by knockout matches.

For NFS UNDERGROUND-If LAN setup works then competition among 4 contestants
else we will record the timing of the contestants and then decide the winer.

In this event the contestant will have to demonstrate his programming language skills(only C and C++).
He will be given a scenario and he has develop a C/C++ code accordingly or has to find out the errors in the code.
The contestant who codes correctly in minimum amount of time will be the winner.

Topics for TPP to be given department wise.5 topics for each department and minimum time for each presentation will be given by this Friday.Total 7 departments will be participating : FE,MECHANICAL,PRODUCTION,COMPUTER,IT,INSTRUMENTATION,EXTC. Judging panel will be respective department HODs.
Key factors to decide the winner: Information content of the selected topic,confidence,presentation skills,eye contact,interaction with the audience.
Note that the hard-copy of your topic to be submitted should be compulsorily in the IEEE format.

An industrial/proffesional scenario will be given printed on a sheet of paper.The participant will be given some time to think about it and then come up with solutions to tackle the problem he was given.Also,he has to convince the judging panel that his solution is apt and the best one.The one with unique and best solution will be the winner.

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